Look how simple this fledgling Kemetic altar and shrine is. Many would deem it unworthy but you know what? As soon as I set this up, the energy was so powerful, it almost made me dizzy. I’ll explain why in this post. I’ve included a picture of my very first Kemetic altar and shrine to demonstrate that if you feel a connection to your netjeru or gods and…
In this video, I talk about being a newbie on a Kemetic spiritual path, along with some background on how I got started. Each of us will have our own unique stories and our own personal connection to the netjeru, or ancient Egyptian deities. I think an important distinction to emphasise is the deities are not trapped in the past. They are in the here and now;…
Deities• Isis• Newbies
My Kemetic Conclusion: Why I Chose Ancient Egyptian Paganism as a New Spiritual Path
August 2, 2020It might seem ironic that I’ve chosen to call my very first post, A Kemetic Conclusion when we’ve only just begun our journey together. Looking back, the beginning of this journey was really the culmination of many endings; and I had to trust the process. In fact, the whole world was in a state of turmoil and so was I. Feeling like I was walking on a…