

Museums Pharaohs Ramses II

Reception with Ramses: An Egyptian Neo-Pagan visits ‘Ramses & the Gold of the Pharaohs’ at the Australian Museum

December 7, 2023

  This week I took a day trip to Sydney to see Ramses & the Gold of the Pharaohs at the Australian Museum and OMGs, it was great! What happens when an Egyptian neo-pagan, otherwise known as a Kemetic practitioner, visits a museum with an exhibition on ancient Egypt? Let’s just say, multiple levels of reality coalesce to form one, big blissful symphony. I’ll do my best to…

Altars and Shrines Mysticism Psychic Protection

She Who Gleams Like Faience in the Sun

February 28, 2023

    Like many of my posts, this one will focus on a Subjective Mystical Experience and Encounter I had, which occurred approximately one year ago. Perhaps a little more. It’s a story I’ve been sitting with and nurturing at times, then leaving it alone and letting it breathe at others. The main question I’ve been pondering sporadically for the past year has been, is she ready yet?…

Community Kemetic Practice Self-Care Thoth / Djehuty

Communing with the Full Moon and a Very Special Baboon

January 8, 2023

  Last night, I communed with the full moon and a very special baboon, (that would be Thoth, or Djehuty of course, in none other than his baboon form). The full moon rose between branches of Australian native paperbarks outside my window, and I was so incredibly grateful that I was able to be there to witness it and be part of it. I had worked on Christmas…


Introducing Kemetic Blog’s New Facebook Page

December 18, 2022

    A Facebook Page for Kemetic Blog was long overdue. Here it is, finally! Believe it or not, I don’t find it particularly easy to toot my own horn. As a blogger, you’re already putting yourself out there and only doing yourself a disservice if you have no social media presence. I was on Twitter for a while, but I’m not updating that account at the moment.…

Animism Kemetic Practice Magic Ritual Tools Sekhmet

The Claw of Sekhmet

November 24, 2022

  The Claw of Sekhmet is a personal ritual tool I’d like to share with readers this Thanksgiving, as an example of how to use your own intuitive abilities and investigative skills when searching for ritual tools, and other sacred objects to include in your practice.  When you feel the need to start searching for the right tools to have in your magical arsenal, know these tools are…

Hauntings Paranormal Spiritual Warfare

A/pop/his, the Evil One: An Encounter with the Ancient Egyptian Devil

October 31, 2022

  My encounter with A/pop/his, the Evil One, or A/pep occurred thirteen years ago. A convenient time frame for the Halloween season, I know. This is the first time I’ve ever felt ready to share it. Known as the Eater of Souls in ancient Egypt, A/pop/his, the Evil One is said to have fought and lost battles against Ra, the sun god, in an attempt to disrupt and…

Community Kemetic Practice Updates

An Acknowledgement of African Origin in Kemetic Practice

August 30, 2022

  The author of Kemetic Blog acknowledges and respects the African ancestral origin of ancient Egypt, and recognises the practice of Kemetic paganism as a modern reflection of Traditional African Religion. The above acknowledgement of African origin is inspired by Australia’s Acknowledgement of Country which honours Aboriginal Australians as the traditional owners of the land upon which all Australians live, work and learn. We declare this acknowledgement at…

Holidays Kemetic Practice Reflection

Making a Kemetic New Year’s Resolution

August 22, 2022

  After Wep Ronpet this year, I decided to make my first Kemetic New Year’s resolution. The origin of New Year’s resolutions are not credited to the ancient Egyptians but to the Babylonians and later, the Romans. It may be reasonable to infer that people in ancient Egypt had plenty of down-time to reflect on the previous year, while most of their kingdom was flooded by the annual…

Kemetic Practice Maat Mysticism Spiritual Growth

The Gazing Eyes of Ma’at

May 17, 2022

  The night I published the post How to Write Your Own 42 Positive Confessions I was visited by the goddess, Ma’at. Curiously, Lady Ma’at did not appear in the usual form of a winged human-like goddess, with an ostrich feather displayed over her head. Rather, she appeared in a new form, detailed below.   I just settled into bed. As per the usual pattern with Subjective Mystical…