The Son of Akhenaten, Acrylic on Canvas Knife Portrait by Michael Wehner. Owned by the author.
Part One
Last month as we kicked off Kemetic Blog, I wrote a little about the messages, visions and impressions I receive from the Egyptian deities, with a promise I would write more about these Kemetic impressions in a dedicated post. This is one of many posts I hope to write, which will focus on the importance of Kemetic practitioners having their own direct mystical experiences with the netjeru. In that respect, it’s pretty experimental stuff, as there are no references to back up anything I say. Its value ultimately rests with you.
Having your own direct mystical experiences, along with a practical knowledge-base of Kemeticism will in my opinion, make you the best practitioner you can be. Today, I’d like to share my own Kemetic impressions of Tutankhamun, which began to flow one night while I was reading Sharon LaBorde’s great introductory book, Following the Sun: A practical guide to Egyptian Religion before bed. It was an intense, life-changing experience.
The first netjer, or deity, who made strong contact with me was Isis / Ahsmet’h. Tutankhamun was the second. After the impressions I received, I now consider him a deity and I’ll explain why in this post. He also has a very human side, which I will also discuss. I speak of Tutankhamun in the present-tense, because he is very much here.
At this stage, my own knowledge-base is too limited to write about Egyptian mysteries from a purely objective, reconstructionist point of view. I am definitely not an Egyptologist, nor an adept of any Egyptian mystery schools. It’s just me and the netjeru, so to speak. I’m running on a small but ever growing knowledge-base, with a whole lot of intuition and subjective experience. That may suffice for some readers and others perhaps not, and that’s okay. We live in an incredibly objective society, one in which we tend to discount the power of our own subjective experiences, stories, and narratives. I’d like to challenge and change that! How different would our world be if we valued each other’s stories? What kind of world would it be if we valued and trusted our intuitive wisdom as much as our five physical senses?
Everyone has their own innate level of intuitive ability, which can be developed with practice. One suggestion would be to start meditating at your altar or shrine, if you are not already doing so, and allow yourself to shift into a receptive state of consciousness. Some will find this exercise easier than others but that doesn’t mean you can’t access the inner plane. You can! This simple meditation exercise and ritual is how I do it, and the process is now very spontaneous and automatic. If you’re having trouble, reach out to your netjeru and ask them to assist you. Ask them to help you evolve your abilities, so you can better work with them because more likely than not, they’re already reaching out and waiting to work with you. Just be prepared to receive what you ask for, because sometimes their communication can be subtle signs in the physical world, which we call synchronicity, or it can be full-on visitations that are all-or-nothing phenomena. Don’t be afraid!
After a few minutes of reading Following the Sun the room was suddenly full of deities and I could feel the heat gathering from so much energy. I had to pause while reading and go into a meditation because just as we open a book in physical reality, a book also opens in non-physical reality. These books are longing to be read! They’re also books that you can access. Try it yourself: read a little of a book, then stop and meditate. See what impressions you get. The more you do simple exercises like these, the more your intuition will strengthen and the more your own impressions will flow. This is exactly how I received my own Kemetic impressions of Tutankhamun.
Part Two
Here are the impressions I received. It all started with a clairaudient message that was very loud and clear:
He had to die.
With these words also came flashes of insight and understanding. The words were like a key that unlocked multi-layered information; a door opened and allowed understanding to flow through. Nothing that happened to Tutankhamun was an accident, at least not on a spiritual level. He came to this Earth knowing exactly what he was going to do, what his role in life and in the afterlife would be, and why it had to happen. Of course, he would forget all this as an earthly human being, but his soul remembered, and would steer him toward his ultimate destiny.
Tutankhamun sacrificed his life to atone for the choices made by his father, Akhenaten, and the impact those choices had on others. For as Akhenaten attempted to introduce the concept of oneness to the Egyptian consciousness through the practice of atenism / monotheism, he did so at the expense of polytheistic traditions. Akhenaten thought highly of himself and fell into the trappings of his own ego; this, combined with even a grain of spiritual understanding can be dangerous because those insights become distorted. Add politics and power to the mix and the results are history.
While a pharaoh was considered to be a god on Earth, the true attainment of godhood was often elusive. What constitutes the attainment of godhood? The intended vision of the netjeru for humanity was and still is, a state of union between all creator/s and all creation/s, which they had long ago attained themselves. Monotheism and polytheism may seem like opposing ideologies but when fully understood and integrated, they are not. Many in one; one in many. Who is the one? All are the one. Who is the many? You are the many. You are the one and the many. You are oneness, you are all. Such is the nature of the Great Mystery, which is for you to solve on your own journey. How far can the love in your heart expand? Ego alone cannot attain godhood. Akhenaten failed to understand this fully during his life on Earth and the result of his misunderstanding was disastrous. He was not able to correct his misunderstandings during his life and those misunderstandings led to even bigger misunderstandings. The responsibility to correct and heal Egypt was then passed onto his son, Tutankhamun.
It had to hurt.
Tutankhamun, through his illness and fracturing bone, through his pain and systemic poisoning and eventual death, embodied what had been done to his kingdom and his gods through a trading of places. His sacrifice was mostly unrecognised and unappreciated by those around him in his time, but nevertheless, his sacrifice was successful. Tutankhamun successfully processed the fracturing and pain of his kingdom and his gods and he paid the ultimate price with his life, in order to spare the death of Egypt, which would have happened at that time.
He could have chosen to allow the pain and fracturing to remain in his kingdom, instead of accepting these things into his own body. He could have allowed Egypt to sicken, to fall, to fracture and to die but he did not. Tutankhamun did not follow his father’s footsteps. He followed his own path, knowing exactly where it would lead. He chose that he would be the one to fade into obscurity, not Egypt, not Kemet, and not the gods. How often does it occur that a mortal young man has the opportunity to spare injury to gods?
This was Tutankhamun’s opportunity. All this he did when barely a man, with little genuine respect or support from his peers, except for the love of his mother. Tutankhamun’s relationship with his mother was the only healthy, loving, trusting relationship he had. As his mother, she loved him unconditionally and did not see him as an object to be manipulated, nor a pawn on his father’s game board. She scarcely left his side, always keeping a close watch over her son and this relationship continued into the afterlife.
In retrospect, it wasn’t difficult for Tutankhamun to make this sacrifice, apart from his time of reckoning. He already sacrificed his life during his life. He never had a moment to himself, to know himself. He could never simply lay on the banks of the Nile and contemplate the sun and sky. His life never truly belonged to him, so why should his death? As a child, he sometimes wanted to run away. He was prone to tantrums. Then he grew and was becoming a sensible young man who only wanted peace. Secretly, he wished he could somehow be relieved of his heavy burden as pharaoh — he didn’t want it. He wished he could go someplace where no one knew who he was. Spiritually, however, he was indeed a warrior with a destiny greater than his earthly identity could know.
He was always under tremendous pressure. Not only did he bear the weight of Egypt on his shoulders, he bore the weight of his father’s mistakes; he bore the weight of the gods. It is said that Tutankhamun was born with congenital skeletal defects in his back, leg and foot due to his genetic legacy. Spiritually, this was not by coincidence. Your bones would probably bow, too if you bore the burdens of Tutankhamun.
With his broken bone, he set things right.
Tutankhamun never expected thanks, nor any rewards for what his soul accomplished; his only concern was duty. He accepted responsibility for his father’s actions as if they were his own. He never expected what awaited him in the afterlife, nor on Earth with the discovery of his tomb, thousands of years into the future.
In the afterlife, Tutankhamun realised god within himself and so therefore, became a god. This is the process by which we become a goddess or a god; we realise the god or goddess within and that we are each the identity of creator. Tutankhamun achieved this as a reward for his sacrifice, and so his story has a happy ending, after all. After his death, he was reunited with his mother and continued to learn, and evolve and have new experiences.
He never preempted that his tomb would go undiscovered until long after ancient Egypt had all but vanished, nor that he would become a celebrity and ambassador for a lost civilisation, its culture, and for the religion he saved. The modern discovery of his tomb and the resulting fanfare has been an overwhelmingly positive experience and reward for him, which he has embraced with the same sense of duty and enthusiasm. The kingdom he saved, he now brings to the modern world.
This is the story of Tutankhamun as it was revealed to me. He bore a great and heavy burden during his earthly life, which literally broke him. He is now free of any spiritual debts and he also makes it very celar that he has fully healed from his ordeal. He remains available to those who wish to connect with him as a spiritual guide to work with, or a deity to worship, as you like, for Tutankhamun it is one and the same. He remains a Kemetic ambassador to the world.
This information came flooding in like the Nile and I wept for Tutankhamun, the power of his story and everything he had to endure. As an ill and vulnerable teenager, he ultimately died a painful, frightening, and lonely death. Nothing could spare him from that. Spiritually, he had already made his choice. Somehow, I could feel that my tears and compassion flowed like offerings across time and space and brought him solace and comfort and eased his passage into the afterlife.
Part Three
The next night, I woke suddenly to a rush of energy surging through my body and up to my head, where the energy was concentrated. The energy continued to focus until I saw his face. He was just a regular guy, with rather handsome, slightly square-shaped features. The most striking thing about him was that he was wearing sunglasses! I know this will stretch any reader’s credulity to the limit and it shocked me to the core, but he moved his head slightly from side to side so that I would have no doubt about what I was seeing. He was showing me his sunglasses and smiling as if to say, how do I look? Tutankhamun was revealing a playful, light-hearted, chilled-out side; something I’d never seen a deity or historical figure ever do before. I was gobsmacked.
He used words like, cool and awesome and was very interested in modern culture, language, clothes, tools and technology. He absolutely loves modernity! It was then that I also realised that despite his greatness, there’s still an aspect of him that’s just a young dude, and now he can finally be a young dude. “I am still a human being.” I heard him affirm. He also shared that he likes to use the name, Ben, as his adopted, modernised, western name. I was shocked and yet, everything made perfect sense. Another observation was that Tutankhamun / Ben smiles a lot now, something he didn’t often do on Earth.
Tutankhamun revealed many aspects: a king to be venerated, a god to be worshipped and a fun-loving teenager, enthralled with all things modern. He has thoroughly blended the ancient with the modern and is an extremely cool deity to work with. He brings lots of enthusiasm, he has lots to teach and share, and lots of warmth and wisdom and he is protective of his friends. “I protect my friends.” He said gravely. The experience has been life-changing. In fact, all the ancient Egyptian deities who’ve come into my life have been unprecedented. I am not sure what I’ve done to deserve all these visions and visitations but I’m sharing them with you not to say look at me, I’m such a powerful shaman but instead to say, wow, you guys, have a look at this story. My hope is that others will find it beneficial and that it will improve your own relationship with King Tut and the other deities, making these relationships stronger.
Now, I am aware of my long-windedness, but there’s a bit more of this tale to tell. So, I was surfing the web, and I stumbled across this really cool painting of Tutankhamun on Etsy. I really need to stop surfing the web so much! An internal dialogue ensued about the painting. It would look really great in my bedroom, which I’ve been revamping like mad lately. Can I really afford that much? This is proper art. Yes, and proper art is fitting for a god and king, is it not? Look at the amazing story you’ve been told, and the incredible friendship you now have with Tutankhamun. This is a fitting tribute! I flipped down the lid of my laptop and mulled it over for a while.
Later, when I returned to Etsy, I was dismayed by the artist’s disrespectful blurb, which I hadn’t noticed before:
“It doesn’t have to be Tut but you can call him that if you want, there are way better Pharaohs. I had fun with this one, I don’t have a lot of outlets for my love of ancient history–I’ve been told at least three times by my wife to never say “Sphinx enclosure” at dinner again.”
What a jerk! Way better pharaohs? Why the hell should I buy this painting? I’d only be fuelling his arrogance and narcissism. And sphinx enclosure! Was that off some Netflix program I missed? I don’t watch much TV. Obviously, I have a lot going on in my own inner world, already.
Clearly the subject of the painting was not very valued in the artist’s opinion, and yet he was deemed worthy enough to serve as a point of reference, with a suggestion that his identity could be easily obscured once again, according to the buyer’s whim, which is exactly why I had to invest in the painting! I didn’t do it to support the artist nor his ideology. I did it to support Tutankhamun / Ben and modern Kemeticism. It would be a great injustice to take a painting of Tutankhamun and erase ‘n replace him with someone else. That would be history repeating itself. He deserves so much more than that. Obscuring identities is a practice they did in ancient times and it’s just not on, mate. No more. It changes now. This is Tutankhamun.
To go from unvalued to highly valued by those who recognise the value in something is the theme of the boy king. It is also the theme of Kemetic paganism and the theme of this story. Kemetic practitioners need to value their stories and trust what they know. So that’s what I’m doing: I’m trusting Tutankhamun and trusting what I know.
I see you. I hear you. I know you’re there. I know your value. And I know your story, Ben.
Thank you, for reading Kemetic Blog and Kemetic Impressions of Tutankhamun. Stay safe and well!
© Scott Rose / Kemetic Blog – All Rights Reserved.
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