Blessedly, I’m on afternoon shifts for prac this week, so I decided to move at a slightly slower pace in the mornings and allow myself to engage in some much-needed meditation in spiritual preparation for Wep Ronpet, the ancient Egyptian New Year. It’s a challenge to be here, there, and everywhere but it helps to remember we live in a world where anything is possible —…
Raising the Dawn: My Past Life with Khepri Ra
July 6, 2022My Past Life with Khepri Ra was for many years, a partial memory of being in a distant place quite a long time ago, but it was a memory I held close to my heart because of the spiritual growth I experienced there. The memory was mysterious and strange, but somehow very familiar. I couldn’t recall much more than holding my hands close together near the…
Book Review of Profane Egyptologists: The Modern Revival of Ancient Egyptian Religion by Paul Harrison — Part Two
April 20, 2022The continuation of my review on Profane Egyptologists is long overdue. My apologies to any and all who’ve been waiting. I’ll blame it on Uni; I’m an enrolled nurse in Australia, studying to become a registered nurse. As such, I don’t have a lot of time for leisure reading, however, I’m determined to finish reading Profane Egyptologists this year. Profane is different from other Egyptology books because it’s not…
Shape Shifting in Kemetic Neo-pagan Experience 2: Return of the White Werewolf
October 25, 2021Return of the White Werewolf is not my 2021 Halloween / Samhain Special. Okay, maybe it is. But I refuse to objectify him as Halloween fodder for the masses, as I have deep respect for him. This is simply what’s been going on in my life and it’s quite profound. I suspect people who cannot process horror go for the cheap thrills and junk food aspects associated…
Shape Shifting in Kemetic Neo-pagan Experience
June 27, 2021Shape shifting, until very recently, was a topic completely outside my jurisdiction, until an intense Subjective Mystical Experience and Encounter (SMEE) changed that. The academic term for shape shifting is zoomorphism, and is the capacity for a human being to transform into an animal. Incidentally, lycanthropy is also the term given to a human being who transforms into a wolf-like creature, better known as a werewolf (see…