During Wep Ronpet this year, my part of the world is in the grip of another La Niña rain event. Surrounded by the element of water, I’m choosing to honour the circumstances in which I find myself and relating these events to the attributes of Hapi, god of the Nile river and of the inundation (Akhet), which used to occur in ancient times. It’s very much a time…
Gosh, I came here to check on things and work on a post and now I have hate mail to deal with. I should warn you, it’s not pretty. I’m thinking this calls for a cup of hot cocoa to defrost my caucasian, homosexual toes (we’re in winter in the Southern Hemisphere) then let’s process this and be done with it, as quickly as possible. I suppose…
Even if you cannot hear my voice, I’ll be right beside you dear: Conversion to atheism in the Kemetic community and the possibility of psychosis in polytheistic belief
December 4, 2021Conversion to atheism in the Kemetic community is an issue I think we should all discuss respectfully, no matter where you stand on the matter. IDK why I’m quoting random song lyrics in my posts of late. Last month, it was Kate Bush. This time, it’s from Snow Patrol’s Run: light up, light up, as if you have a choice; even if you cannot hear my voice,…
Kemetic Spirituality for Beginners: How to Get Started in Egyptian Neo-Paganism – Part 3 of 4
November 30, 2021Lately, I’ve been writing about so many intermediate to advanced to even experimental topics, that I’ve forgotten to continue with my series on Kemetic spirituality for beginners. So sorry, guys! Please excuse my ramblings. This post is way over-due, so let’s jump right in. Building and blending your bases of knowledge and experience Alright, so you’ve set up a scared space (i.e. your very own Kemetic altar and…
Let’s talk about pagan pride and its place in Kemeticism. I’ve got work and uni looming on the horizon, so this will have to be a brief-ish post. Lucky you! In short, pagan pride should fill the hearts of every Kemetic neo-pagan out there. Absolutely! There’s a massive difference between taking pride in who you are, versus what you are. The latter is ego, the former is…
Gearing up for Wep Ronpet: The Ancient Egyptian New Year
July 25, 2021Wep Ronpet, the ancient Egyptian New Year, falls on a variable day each year from late July to early August. It occurs when the star Sirius (known as spdt or Sopdet ) first rises in Cairo and once coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile river. This celestial event is called the heliacal rising of Sirius and continues to be observed today as the Kemetic New…
Safe Pagans: A response to peer violence in the Kemetic neo-pagan online community
February 14, 2021Peer violence is a confronting topic to address and in all honesty, I wish I didn’t have to. But someone has to. The intention of this post is to promote spiritual safety for all pagans, particularly newcomers. Believe it or not, peer violence in the Kemetic neo-pagan online community exists and if we do nothing, our community will erode and we’ll be robbed of bright individuals, whose light belongs in…
Book Review of Profane Egyptologists: The Modern Revival of Ancient Egyptian Religion by Paul Harrison — Part One
January 31, 2021I was introduced to Profane Egyptologists by fellow YouTuber SekhmetRa and was quite excited to learn a book had been written specifically about Kemeticism and Kemetic neo-pagans. If this book sounds like a shoo-in for your personal library, you are correct! Profane Egyptologists is based on an ethnographic study of self-identified practitioners of ancient Egyptian religion, known as the Kemetic community. This includes Afrocentrists, orthodox reconstructionists, reformed Kemetics, Wiccans…
Do Kemetic neo-pagans celebrate Christmas? Taking steps toward incorporating Kemetic traditions into mainstream holidays
December 13, 2020Whether or not Kemetic neo-pagans celebrate Christmas may seem like a complicated topic but it really doesn’t need to be. Most practitioners — myself included — are notoriously practical people who incorporate ancient Egyptian religion and spirituality into everyday modern life. From this perspective, I’d like to think we have the best of both worlds. That is, the blessings and favour of the ancient Egyptian deities /…
Kemetic Spirituality for Beginners: How to Get Started in Egyptian Neo-Paganism – Part 2 of 4
November 8, 2020Cultivating a Relationship with the Divine In part 1 we covered how it is much easier to get started on a path in Kemetic spirituality than you might think. Plus, I listed a few basic items you’ll need for a barebones starter pack, using items you’re likely to already have around your house. The goal of part 1 was to encourage newbies and instil confidence. Quite often, I meet…